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Nutrition for your active KID.

Yi! Nutrition launching SA’s first sports drink for active children.

Eating well plays a critical role in keeping sports fun, more so for highly active children.

Consuming enough water and other fluids is key to optimal performance in sport, and for this reason Yi! Nutrition’s first product to hit the South African market, is an Electrolyte Sports Drink that is high in Vitamin C, specifically formulated for active children between the ages of four and 13 years.

Most children do not consume sufficient fluids throughout the day, as they are playing during break time (and as we all know, not even eating their packed lunches!) and they do not always recognise thirst. They start their afternoon sports activities already dehydrated! This happens easily, especially in the warm South African climate. Children’s fluid needs are relatively high in comparison with body weight. Intense physical activity can also suppress feelings of thirst, making it even more challenging for active children to consume enough fluids.

Yi! Nutrition is here to help you to fight dehydration by providing a solution to make it easier to encourage your child to consume more fluids throughout the day, before, during and after sport. Yes, water is the best source of fluid for activities that last less than one hour. What if your child did not consume sufficient fluids throughout the school day on a hot summer afternoon and taking part in activities lasting longer than one hour or play high-intensity sport like netball, squash, or rugby? Not even to mention participating in more than one sporting session during one afternoon. Energy drinks, and most contain caffeine, are not the solution. Yi! Nutrition’s KID. Electrolyte drink is developed to support your children to perform at their best and it gives you peace of mind, no guesswork needed.

Carbohydrate may increase exercise performance, endurance and provides energy. The added Carbohydrates in sports drinks provide a source of energy. With just the right types and amount of carbohydrate added to the Yi! Nutrition Sports drink (Grape flavoured), not only energy levels and enhanced performance are supported, but the carbohydrate also facilitates nutrient transportation and absorption in the body. The added carbohydrate mix also contributes to the palatability and greater consumption of the sports drink. Consuming excessive amounts of sugar contributes to hyperactivity, weight gain, obesity, and tooth decay. A sugar free Yi! Nutrition Sports drinks are also available! It tastes just as good as the Grape flavoured drink, that contains carbohydrate. To encourage adequate hydration practices, Yi! Nutrition caters for children’s taste preferences, by offering flavoured hydration drinks. The added electrolytes like sodium and potassium replace what is lost through sweat. These keep the body’s fluid levels in balance and help muscles function properly. No colourants, nor artificial sweeteners are added. This drink is naturally gluten, dairy, and soy free.


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